Life Coaching

Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

In a year where comfort has in many ways gone out the window, we are starting to recognize the…

Embracing Our Shadow

“There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection.” Carl Jung From a young age we…

Challenging Our Beliefs

From a young age we experience things that create stories in our minds that through repetition convince us of…

What Triggers Us Transforms Us

Have you ever considered the stories you have told yourself since you were young, convincing you of a certain…

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

On Monday I hosted a group coaching session all about our emotional intelligence and agility. Did you know that…


Do we stay silent Or raise our voices? Do we give in Or make our choices? This is our…

For Our Children

Don’t be afraid to show up. Embrace yourself, be seen. Don’t give in or give up. Find joy for…

You Must Give Yourself Permission

You Must Give Yourself Permission. To speak up. To be seen. To be human. To get it wrong. To…

Your World Within

It’s interesting that the things we cherish the most are the same things we walk by. They become so…

My Wishes For You – Fearless Soul

I have some wishes for you all. I wish for you to discover your passion, because when you do,…

Break-ups and the Loss of Self Worth

“At the end of the day, you can either focus on what’s tearing you apart, or what’s holding you…

You Have to Feel to Heal

Do you avoid issues as they arise? Do you shy away from your internal struggles? This is an interesting…