Life Coaching

Discomfort As a Proxy For Progress

There is infinite potential in each and every one of us, a higher self we aspire towards. That higher…

Learning to Live On Our Own Terms

Why do we beat ourselves up? There’s a lot of pressure, on and off the mat, to look and…

Beneath the Surface

What do you see, when you see me? Beneath the surface is a highly sensitive person that was told…

How does social media trigger you?

Towards the end of last year I spent a lot of time looking at themes of people pleasing, boundaries…

Surrender Begins Where Effort Ends

Throughout life we are presented with struggles and our minds do everything in their power to avoid them. We…

Returning to Yourself vs Finding Yourself

It’s always interesting to watch the behaviour of young children. Always confident of their worth, sure of who they…

How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome

As we grow up, we start to learn that certain behaviors are rewarded and our minds begin to associate…

Our Path Towards Radical Acceptance

Radical acceptance isn’t always as straight forward as it may seem. Most think of acceptance as a form of…

Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

In a year where comfort has in many ways gone out the window, we are starting to recognize the…

Embracing Our Shadow

“There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection.” Carl Jung From a young age we…

Challenging Our Beliefs

From a young age we experience things that create stories in our minds that through repetition convince us of…

What Triggers Us Transforms Us

Have you ever considered the stories you have told yourself since you were young, convincing you of a certain…