
How I Can Help
Quite often we have the drive and passion to pursue a career as a teacher but we lack the tools and understanding for how to get our business off the ground – acknowledging that you are, in fact, a business. Tap into what is uniquely you, rediscover your WHY and who you’re looking to inspire as you learn to share your gift in a sustainable way.
Embracing Individuality
values, purpose, goals, boundaries
Growing Your Community
online & in real life
Creating Quality Content
VOD, courses, workshops
Marketing Yourself & Your Unique Brand
social media
Pricing Your Offering
business coaching
Managing Your Business Online
tools & tips
What is Root to Rise Mentorship?

Mariel Witmond and Angela Pham created the Root to Rise Mentorship to help yoga teachers like you create their dream business. This program gives you the tools, guidance, and support to become confident, engaged yoga business leaders.
In this 6 week program, we focus on guiding you from business plan to implementation. Each week has a unique focus that sets you up for aligned and purposeful action to launch your yoga business.