Life Coaching

Knowing Balance Through Imbalance

A happy, healthy life has everything to do with balance. We need balance in what we do, how we…

The Energy You Give You Get Back

I remember going to an event over 10 years ago about the law of attraction. “The Secret” had recently…

Compare and Despair

Compare and despair. This was an expression I heard recently in my health coaching training with the Institute of…

How Do We Avoid Compromising Who We Are For The Sake of Others?

For so much of my life I wanted to fit in, to belong. I wanted to be liked, as…

Do You Know Your Intrinsic Worth?

In life coaching we are taught to believe that everyone is naturally creative, resourceful and whole. It is our…

Setting Boundaries

I recently spoke with a coaching client about boundaries. There seems to be a direct correlation between an inability…

Finding Balance

Balance in life as in yoga is something that requires continuous, mindful effort. We have to look within ourselves…

Progress over Perfection

I used to have a therapist for many years while I was in my 20’s. I lived in LA…

Manifesting the Life You Want

What does it mean to manifest what you want? We hear it often together with the law of attraction,…

When Your Day Gets You Down

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. – Albert Einstein The truth is that every day won’t be a…

Who You Surround Yourself With

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn Who are…

I Know This To Be True

For those of you that feel like you’re perpetually behind schedule, that things aren’t going the way they were…