Illness as Initiation: Lessons in Surrender

Mariel Witmond
Mariel Witmond

03 March, 2025

Lately, it feels like the world is in a great purging. So many of us falling ill, our bodies forcing us into stillness—as if we are being asked to release something our minds are too stubborn to see.

For the past three weeks, I have been moving through my own initiation. Pneumonia stripped me of movement, of inspiration, of my sense of self. First Covid, then pneumonia—each wave pulling me deeper into the undercurrent of stillness. Where before I had learned to listen to my body in motion, now I was being asked to listen in silence.

Illness does that. It strips life down to its bare bones. When the body is in pain, nothing else matters. The endless striving, the unfinished to-do lists, the expectations we place upon ourselves—they all dissolve in the face of a deeper truth: without our health, we have nothing. And yet, even in sickness, we resist. We wait for meaning, for revelation, for transformation. We demand that this discomfort give us something, as if restlessness could will it into significance. But what if the lesson is not in the waiting, but in the being?

For so long, I equated worth with effort, love with giving. But what if love also means receiving? What if my worth is not in what I do, but simply in who I am? The retreat taught me to listen to my body through movement. My illness taught me to listen through rest. Two sides of the same lesson: Trust. Surrender. Presence.

I softened. I let myself be held. I let go of the belief that I had failed my body by taking medicine, that I had “done sickness wrong.” Healing, I realized, is not a test to pass but an unfolding to surrender to. It is not about perfection but about listening, moment by moment, to what is needed.

To heal is to listen. To ask: Where do I not feel free? In my life, in my body? In the ways I push, grasp, chase? Freedom is not found in more—it is found in the unlearning, in the surrender, in the willingness to be with what is.

We are everything and nothing at all.
Fully alive.

And perhaps letting go isn’t about giving up,
but about experiencing life as it is—
without needing it to be anything more.



Life is always initiating us.
Through love, through loss, through the quiet unraveling.
Through the moments that shake us open
and the ones that hollow us out.

What initiation are you moving through?
And what is it asking of you?

Perhaps your teacher is illness, whispering: Slow down. Listen.
Perhaps your teacher is heartbreak, urging: Soften. Stay open.
Perhaps your teacher is uncertainty, reminding: Trust the unseen.
Perhaps your teacher is longing, teaching: Not all desire must be chased.

We resist. We wait for meaning.
We hold our breath, hoping to be on the other side.
But initiation is not something to get through.
It is something to become.

To surrender. To unlearn. To let go.
To strip away the noise and meet ourselves in the quiet.
To sit with discomfort long enough to hear its wisdom.
To trust the path, even when we cannot see where it leads.

Every initiation asks something of us.
A shedding. A deepening. A return.

So ask yourself—
What is my teacher right now?
What is it asking me to release?
What is it asking me to become?

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