Bump, Birth and Baby

What is it?

Bump, Birth & Baby is available as course that you have access to for an entire year. I often get asked by my students for more active forms of movement suitable for pregnant women, as most prenatal yoga and fitness programmes usually cater to a slower and more gentle pace. Bump, Birth & Baby is perfect for women who were active before falling pregnant, and want to maintain their fitness level by continuing to participate in more active workouts throughout their pregnancy.
That is why I am so excited that Bump, Birth & Baby combines both active and more passive forms of exercise, along with meditations, hypnobirthing guidance, breathwork, and stretches to prepare you for labour and to support you in early motherhood with progressions to help you build your strength back.
Whether you were very active before falling pregnant or simply want to incorporate some gentle exercise into your life, this course is an incredible option!

What’s Included?

Educational Hub

This is where you will learn the appropriate and safe modifications that you can make to…

Fit Pregnancy

You will have access to all of the prenatal flows that I have created so far and my entire video library…

Pre-natal Yoga

During pregnancy, your energy levels are all over the place, and that is completely normal…

Meditations & Hypnobirthing

One of the most powerful ways to cultivate a positive mindset during pregnancy is…


Breathwork is important regardless of whether you are pregnant or not. Many of us take our…

Post Natal Recovery

Let me help you on your journey to recovery with post natal progressions and fun Baby & Me classes.

Research shows that active movement and meditation throughout pregnancy can reduce stress and lower your risk of developing prenatal depression. It’s also been shown that consistent movement during pregnancy can lower your risk of various birth interventions during labour and delivery.

Who Is This For?

Anyone who exercised regularly before falling pregnant and maintained a regular yoga practice. It is important to listen to your body and know when to modify. I suggest getting your six week sign off to exercise again after having had your little one(s).

Who is this NOT for?

Pregnant women who have any contraindications to exercise during pregnancy, and those who are classified as having a “high risk” pregnancy. Always check with your OBGYN before beginning any new workout regimen while pregnant.

Sign Up

You get ALL of this, for just a one-time payment of £49!