A Meditation in Isolation

Mariel Witmond
Mariel Witmond

07 April, 2020

A Meditation in Isolation

In an age of time saving devices, but not enough time, we have been givted an indefinite supply. Time to slow down. Time to tune in. Time to deepen awareness, build compassion, and rediscover creativity.

We have been presented with a new fear and challenged to be brave. To find courage and light in a time of overwhelming fear and darkness. To remember that Life isn’t about ignoring the difficulties but finding strength as we participate in whatever it brings with an open heart.

We are called to open our consciousness in this time of crisis and to hold space in the healing energy of Love, because only love can heal. To never again take things for granted. Though we have been kept physically apart, we are discovering new ways to come together. We are reminded that we are one family, with an energetic vibration of one heartbeat. We all matter.

We are reminded of our interconnectedness and the impact of our actions on others. When we look on the world of tomorrow will we be able to tell our children that we we didn’t give in to fear and self preservation but instead embraced uncertainty and rose above to help one another?

Let’s all be a channel of light, because we are light, we come from light, we are headed towards the light. We are united as brothers in consciousness, through our shared humanity.

Repeat to yourself: I am love, I am health, I am harmony, I am well-being. I welcome Spring – may it bring its energy upon us all for life to flourish, for our health to flourish, for harmony to flourish, for wellbeing to flourish.

So may it be.

And so it is.

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