Trusting the Process and Learning to Receive

Mariel Witmond
Mariel Witmond

01 October, 2024

Everything we go through—every challenge, every struggle, every emotional upheaval—is an opportunity for us to shift and adjust our energy so that we can open ourselves up to receive more from life. But the trouble is, we’ve been conditioned to believe that the only way out of difficulties is through doing—through effort, control, and pushing forward at all costs.

Because of the core wounds we carry—wounds that whisper to us that we are not enough or that we have to prove our worth—we often rely on the thinking mind to guide us. We use logic and mental gymnastics to try and force things into happening. But this approach disconnects us from our deeper knowing, from the wisdom of our felt sense, and from the natural flow of life that supports us in ways we can’t always see.

When we operate from a place of “doing,” we’re in survival mode, constantly trying to control outcomes, fix things, or make things happen through sheer force of will. This stems from a deep-seated belief that we are not worthy as we are—that we have to earn, hustle, or strive in order to receive what we desire. But what if the real work wasn’t about doing more, but about trusting more?

The universe has our back—but the trouble is, we don’t.

We doubt ourselves. We doubt our worth. And because of that, we block ourselves from receiving the abundance, love, and opportunities that are meant for us. What if, instead of forcing or fighting your way through challenges, you could lean into the idea that your struggles are here to teach you? What if your difficult emotions are trying to communicate something important to you—urging you to slow down, reflect, and listen to the messages hidden beneath the discomfort?

Our emotions, especially the uncomfortable ones, carry deep wisdom. They are not there to punish us or overwhelm us, but to guide us back to ourselves, to the parts of us that need attention, healing, and compassion. Yet, so often, we resist feeling these emotions. We try to bypass them, fix them, or numb them. In doing so, we miss out on the valuable lessons they offer, lessons that ultimately help us realign with our truth and create the space we need to receive from a place of self-trust.

So how do we move from doing to receiving?

  1. Acknowledge the Struggle as a Teacher: Instead of seeing your challenges as something to “get through” or “fix,” see them as opportunities to learn and grow. What is this moment teaching you about your beliefs, your patterns, or your relationship with yourself?
  2. Feel to Heal: Rather than pushing away your emotions or trying to intellectualize them, allow yourself to feel them fully. Drop into your body and let your feelings rise to the surface. What sensations do they bring? What truths are they revealing?
  3. Trust Your Inner Knowing: We all have a felt sense—a deep, intuitive knowing that guides us. The more we drop into that space of inner wisdom, the more we can trust that we are being supported. When you find yourself overthinking or trying to control a situation, pause and ask yourself: What does my body feel? What do I know, beyond what my mind is telling me?
  4. Release the Need to Control: The more we trust ourselves and the universe, the more we can let go of the need to control every outcome. Trust that life is unfolding exactly as it should, even if it doesn’t look the way you imagined. When we surrender control, we create space to receive what’s meant for us.
  5. Open Yourself to Receive: Receiving requires openness. It requires us to believe that we are worthy of good things, even if they come without struggle. Shift your mindset from one of scarcity (where you have to fight for everything) to one of abundance, where you trust that you are deserving of the love, opportunities, and abundance that are already making their way to you.

Remember: the universe is always conspiring in your favor. Your struggles, your emotions, your moments of doubt—they are all part of the process, helping you realign with your truth and open yourself to receive from a place of self-trust. When you stop doing and start trusting, you unlock the flow that has been waiting for you all along.

What if you allowed yourself to believe that you are worthy of receiving all that life has to offer?

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