Unearth to Rebirth

Unearth your essence, Rebirth your power.

Next Cohort begins September 9th!

Join the sisterhood!

Ready to invest in yourself?

We move through life finding experiences that match our beliefs – our inner world painting our outer experience.  It’s easy to outsource our worth when we don’t trust ourselves. In this course you will learn about who you are so you can step fully into your power, in ALL areas of your life. You will discover how to stop making excuses that hold you back from your own unfolding in order to reach your fullest potential. Defeat self-sabotage through holistic healing and uncover the tools that work best for you to thrive!

Who this is for

This course is for you if you:

  • Feel stuck
  • Struggle with limiting beliefs
  • Suffer from imposter syndrome
  • Are a people pleaser/perfectionist/overachiever
  • Overthink everything
  • Doubt your worth
  • Have poor boundaries
  • Want more from your life and relationships
  • Want to be more confident
  • Find it hard to communicate
  • Are struggling with your identity
  • Want to heal the broken trust within yourself
  • Want to become self actualized and empowered

Clients I have worked with have:

  • Achieved their life long goals
  • Fallen in love with what they do
  • Found confidence to pursue their dreams
  • Become self aware
  • Discovered tools to help them thrive
  • Healed limiting beliefs
  • Stepped into their power
  • Learned to live in line with their values
  • Established healthy boundaries
  • Formed healthy relationships
  • Found their voice
  • Become the authors of their story
  • Embraced transformation


Why this work matters

So many aspects of ourselves that has brought us feelings of shame throughout our lives are due to our body’s disregulation – they have a physiological basis. Our self preservation has ultimately led us to our betrayal and is what is keeping us feeling stuck. The things that hold us back are learned responses, not a reflection of who we are in our essence. We are not damaged and the beauty of something learned is that we can unlearn it and change. There are healthy routes to recovering when we are able to cultivate a safe, healing state. Sometimes in order to do that, we need help because in trying to balance it all, we neglect the most important piece of the equation – ourselves. That is where coaching can be so invaluable, especially when we learn, not in isolation, but in connection.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?


“You suppose you are the lock on the door, but you are the key that opens it.” Rumi

The aim of this course is to honour the self through understanding in order to build self-esteem and find confidence. Become an active participant in your own well-being and embrace the power to transform!

Online Course Content

An introduction to our unravelling

  • Choosing Courage Over Comfort
  • Our Conditioned Mind
  • Understanding the Brain
  • Fundamental Human Needs
  • Core Beliefs
  • Assumptions & Rigid Rules
  • Should/Ought/Must

Becoming aware of everything that influences our thoughts & actions

  • Trauma & Inner Child Wounds
  • Inner Child Archetypes
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Personality Traits
  • The Ego
  • Our Need to Control
  • Cognitive Distortions
  • Shadow Work
  • Negativity Bias & Triggers
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Shame, Blame, Guilt & Rejection
  • Healing Divine Feminine Energy

Creating self awareness as we recognise and accept ourselves

  • Limiting Beliefs & Inner Critic
  • Excuses
  • Judgement & Comparison
  • Procrastination
  • When/Then Statements
  • The Power of Our Words
  • Stress & Anxiety
  • ABC Model
  • Counter FEAR with DARE
  • Transferring Consciousness to Action
  • Your Life Story
  • Acceptance
  • Forgiveness
  • Doing the Work
  • Accountability & Owning Your Story
  • Pillars of Self Esteem
  • Confidence Competency Loop
  • Living with Integrity
  • Rebuilding Self-Trust
  • Gratitude
  • Awareness
  • Meaning
  • Values
  • Purpose
  • Goals & the Wagging Finger vs Willing Heart
  • Emotional Agility
  • Emotions & the 90 Second Rule
  • Habits
  • Window of Tolerance
  • RAIN

The importance of healthy interpersonal relationships

  • Belonging
  • People Pleasing, Over Apologising & Boundaries
  • Attachment Styles
  • The Company You Keep
  • Roles & the Drama Triangle
  • Trauma Bonds
  • Codependency
  • Expectations vs Agreements
  • Love Languages
  • Healthy Communication
  • The Gap & the Gain
  • Polyvagal Theory
  • The 7 C’s of Communication

Movement & breathwork practices

An extensive list of guided meditations using themes from the course.

Group Call Schedule

Discovering Your Foundations

  • Core Scriptures

with Ashley Eden

  • Hormonal Health

Unearthing Past Traumas

  • Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work & Limiting Beliefs

with Cait Dunn

  • EFT Tapping

Breaking Free From Limitations

  • Inner Critic & Procrastination

Embracing Transformation

  • Forgiveness & Integrity

with Ermina Isanovic

  • Hypnotherapy

Nurturing Inner Growth

  • Purpose & Goals

Building Healthy Relationships

  • Dealing with Others


Discover & Connect Package

Online Course: Live Edition

6x live group coaching calls
12 month access to online content (6 modules) & live coaching recordings
130 page journalling workbook
Private online community for support & accountability
Guest Speakers

Somatic Practices
Guided Meditations

A bit about me...

I used to live my life in overdrive – adapting to my surroundings as I hid the uncertainty of who I was beneath malleable masks of conformity. I made friends easily everywhere, but never truly felt I fit in anywhere. At the end of 2015 I left what many would consider to be a dream job. I had finally come to the realisation that I wasn’t being true to myself or what I wanted out of life. In one of my favourite Ted Talks, travel writer Pico Iyer said: “…making a living and making a life sometimes point in opposite directions.” This resonated so profoundly with me that I left a job and position I thought defined me as a person, to start all over again. It was the hardest and yet most rewarding decision I have made so far in my life. My decision to choose myself, to take control of my life, was one that countless of us struggle with every day. Yet in making that decision, my life changed as if by magic – and though it wasn’t magic… it was magical. I am now happily married, a mother to two beautiful children, and I get to do what I love and be with who I love every single day. I’ve been coaching for over 5 years now, and have been fortunate enough, since starting this journey, to follow a path that I hope will allow me to help others take control of their lives too.


You will gain invaluable insights and resources that will help to support your personal growth, providing you with the tools to make consistent daily choices that benefit your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. You will meet others who will encourage and cheer you on as you are held accountable to what you aspire to achieve.

Group coaching can be scary as it requires you to trust your group and to find the courage to be open and honest. As scary as this might feel, the benefits are huge as you will get a sense of belonging where you see you are not alone, you will receive feedback not only from me but your peers as well and you have the added accountability with our WhatsApp group, regular check-in calls and material that you can consume in your own time.

All calls will be recorded for those unable to attend the live session and shared only with group members within your cohort. However, I really encourage you to do what you can to prioritise the live calls as they add to your accountability and placing your needs first!

I am happy to discuss what is viable for you in order to take advantage of this opportunity. Please email me at mariel@marielwitmond.com