Possession and Attachment

Mariel Witmond
Mariel Witmond

28 January, 2025

We are all visitors to this moment, simply passing through. Yet, we cling, desperately, instinctively, to things, experiences, and the stories we weave around them. This attachment pulls us away from the purity of presence, from the simple yet deep pleasure of what is here, right now. All we truly have is this moment, fleeting and infinite all at once.

The trouble lies in our need to possess, to claim what we love as “ours.” This possessive love is tied to a deep fear – the fear of loss. We believe that in losing what we have, we lose pieces of ourselves. But what if that’s an illusion? What if love was never something to possess? What if it was never yours or mine, but simply existed…an energy, intangible, and therefore impossible to own?

The pain we feel so often comes not from the loss itself but from its shadow, the anticipation of goodbye, the foreshadowing of what will inevitably leave. We mourn before we’ve even allowed ourselves to fully feel the bliss of what is, pulled into sorrow before surrendering to joy. This is the paradox of attachment: in trying to hold on, we miss the very essence of what we seek to cherish.

Perhaps this is the lesson of non-attachment, not to detach or become indifferent but to lean into the fullness of each moment without resistance. To be with all of it – the bliss and the ache, the presence and the impermanence. Because it is all one and the same. To love something is to recognize its transience and, in doing so, to honour it fully, without needing to make it stay.

In this, we find freedom. Not from love, but IN LOVE. A love that is boundless, unclaimed, and unbroken by the passing of time or the letting go. A love that simply is.

This has become a practice in awareness and unlearning – softening the grip of attachment and the need to control. It’s a reminder to trust that I am deserving enough to simply receive, without condition, without fear. And in that softening, I’ve started to glimpse the beauty of presence.

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